Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I want to give an order
to the amerity on my lips
the bitterness of cocoa
when victory fast slips

Away to hidden chambers
lost to choice or chance
and so our competition goes
from past pride to power's dance

To you I entrust a battle,
Losers and winners alike
tears and swords a rattle
wars with solitude tonight

Underneath every "win"
flows a river gold
but sometimes that water's

at least
that's what I've been


Hearts of Amaranth

Our hearts are often fields
of Amaranths bloodied
red and everlasting,
but sometimes withered and wizened,
recalling the chill of the Sargasso Sea

Crimson like a lover's razor wounds,
a petaled, precarious sharpness
between unbridled cowardice,
between unlimited affection,

falling in the dancing summer
your burns are volcanic obsidian,
slicing past all recalcitrance,
recalling the end of lunar warfare

If just for an hour,
I shared your hunger
in the pollen of your loving solitude.

Pieces for Performance: Grapefruit Rain and The Twenty Years of Solitude

Drink the 子毒 of 孤独
savor the taste of blood,
a virulent isolation that runs
in your veins
in the streets,
down the drain
into sewers of disconnect,
of discontent

I love you more than anything--
that's why I curse you all the more
In and at an age
unable to believe anything but
the 'but's you've shoved up

Golden fishes are falling from the sky
and once more, raise a flaccid sword
to castrated, confused Heaven--

A solitary
popcorn revolution has begun.
Perhaps we're all just
Golden Colonels bursting with disbelief,
unable to love,
unable to trust
the grapefruit rain that falls now--
a bittersweet and burning liquid,
salty like
the rusted nails of preemptive strike.

Go out in the middle of a street and cry.

Cry because you're going to die.
Because these words rhyme,
because the suffocation you feel
as you bawl on the street isn't half as bad
as the the slicing you've felt inside

Once a Valkyrie,
divine battle axe thirsty for the stains of Justice
holy helmet and hellish harp
the tools of a day done right,
you've fallen on your blade

Perhaps being cleaved in two
is far better than the pieces
to which you disintegrate now,
here on the cold asphalt.

Howl and Roar,
let your tears burn
holes through wooden, wormed hearts,
let the blue marionettes fall from the sky,
and take you away with their strings of
poetic logic, prosaic justice.

Stage left,
the heartless, homeless city.

骨 Hone by Amano Tsukiko

If you ever were to die,
to become just skin and bones,
to cover your back,
I'd make a coat.

the scars of burst pimples
the moles along your spine,
they were like constellations
from my cherished childhood textbooks

Why do we soon forget
the things that are so close to us,
creating a distance that can't be reclaimed.
Did we really just give up?

It's a beautiful day
even with mistakes repeated, sins committed.
It's a beautiful day,
the person who taught me
the art of washing it all away.

If you ever were to die
to become just white ash
mixing it with pretty paints,
I'd draw your picture

Why do we dispose
the things that are close to us?
did you just protect for me
that space where I slept?

It's a beautiful day
lame jokes and boring stories
It's a beautiful day
you and your belly laughs

Violent tossing and loud snores
the many nights when I'd curse you

It's a beautiful day
even with mistakes repeated and sins committed
It's a beautiful day
the person who taught me to wash it away

It's a beautiful day
lame jokes and boring stories
It's a beautiful day
illuminated by gentle sunbeams

No Dogs and Chinese Allowed

I)華人 Flower People

The sign is archaic,
The message not so.

I wonder about, I wander a bout
I work about
the translator of these
funny signs of yesteryear
this symbol of yearning
rendered to
black and white.

How were those eyes,
those beautifully dark oceans

Me in my Montreal Modernity,
and I've forgotten
the sordid slave songs of mother Calypso's
the old chants of abolition of new
the heroes, heroines of my heart--
my candlelit, chaotic art.

To lose a song is to forget how to stand
against this myth of power
of Dog
and Flower,
"my people", my "nation".
An age of lamentation.

II) 薔薇
I'm a lonely hearts
killer seventeen.

killer smile that is.
but inside I'm dying
for this is the price of
a culture of information
a trophy child generation
but right now I just wish
I was the next gay sensation

"Porn, porn, porn
the internet is for porn"♪
but there's something
that the FBI notice doesn't forewarn:

That flower people of the
flowery queer nation
are seldom welcome to the eyes
to the ears of modern gods

That rainbows are made from
white light
white right.

who am I protest
the ways of the world
a gay globalization
overly capitalistic conjugation,
Tu es, he's gay, 俺 ole!

A daily smile.

The new gay gym in Manila
(it's really just a rusty garage)
plastered with foreign nudes
beckons, beguiles,
and screams:
"This is how you be a man!"

But what right have I
to protest
the ways of the world?
I'm seventeen,
the seventies are a dream
and if you say stonewall,
I only can stay

III) Be A Man!

What I'm Looking For
I'm not into the dating scene. I just like to fuck.
Hang out, shit like that.

I'm into:
WS, BB, groups, cum, suckin, the norms, outdoor, public, u name it... if its hot I'm into it. Love hung guys like me. I am a lil over 9c fat.
But I'm not really into condom sex.

Just because you've added me to your hot list,
and whatever
doesn't mean I like you.
I'm into hot dudes that look good, have a nice body.

If your Asian or "Pacific Asian" keep moving.
Im into white guys, latinos, and black men ONLY!

If I don't reply to you, it means I'm not interested. No offense. But also this new chat stuff screws up so don't email with your drama your all upset because I wouldn't say hi to you. GROW UP AND BE A MAN!

Dear Jasonjacob69,
I think your pictures are terribly beautiful.
but you're probably just as horrible
as you are handsome,
with your character flaws
as numerous as your spelling mistakes.

"Be a man!" you say
and yet it's my simultaneous castration
How many crimes have been committed
in your name, how many hours of
sexual, racial, manly frustration

"If you don't like the way I act,
go back to where you came frome"
Where is home? I grew up just like you
going to ballgames at the skydome
playing street fighter, not knowing it probably
turned me gay
(you know, it's the muscles,
or so they say)

Go ahead, make me your bitch
to fling around into some Nazi ditch

make me your dog
cut my head off just like a log
while you wave the meat in my face
taunting me about the "yellow" race

Ever hear about Inugami?
Idiot, not origami.
Paper cranes
won't haunt you

or bite off your head.
(I might just aim lower).


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Polite Punk Penelope

I want to write
a kick ass work
about a kick ass woman running
an Izakaya in Ithaca,

New York, that is.

She lives in the village
full of butt pirates who pillage
not so modestly
plates of yakitori and sashimi
while making disparaging jokes about "fish"
in a tone rather too queeny
for my tastes
at least

I want to write about anger
forged in a love
galvanized in the veils
of a colored

Every plate is her tapestry,
for she is a polite punk Penelope
fighting for every Telemachus
for every person who's tired of being a food
a single, sordid
sorted word

I am not a fucking chicken
I am not the sushi between your chapsticked lips
I am not the slave between your legs.

Xenia? Quit the hospitality
because I am Xena.
Hear me roar as I say

How dare you eat my food,
how dare you drink my ale.
You've overstayed your welcome--
get into those taxis that you hail

When you think "Japan" at least,
I want you to imagine a human,
and not a kimono or your PS3,
and definitely not our goddamn tea

Everyone is beautiful,
and so are you,
for I love you dearly, terribly too
but not the terrible things you often do

Please do not silence
do not eliminate
the beauty of others just as great.

For if my advice
you choose to ignore,
I hope you do adore
the effect of ex-lax green tea ice-cream
working right as you leave this

Sorry, we're closed!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


For those who read Japanese, the below is the first rough draft of my entry to this year's Speech Contest. Wish me luck :D.













